Lanuvium (Campania, Italy — Pleiades map), ca. 200 CE
CIL XIV 2120
= ILS 6199
= AGRW ID# 24921
Marble plaque. Anna Pasqualini argues that the curia mulierum (women's assembly) may be an association devoted to Juno Sospita, but this direct evidence is lacking (see Anna Pasqualini, "CIL XIV 2120, la curia mulierum di Lanuvio e l' "associazionism" delle donne romane," in Donna e vita cittadina nella documentazione epigrafica, eds. Alfredo Buonopane and Francesca Cenerini; [Ravenna: Fratelli Lega, 2005], 259-74). Emily Hemelrijk suggests that the "double banquet received by the curia mulierum [women's assembly] – instead of the usual, single meal – may be taken as a sign of social esteem, suggesting an association of high standing; it may have grouped together only the wealthier, well-born echelons of the female citizens" (Hidden Lives, Public Personae: Women and Civic Life in the Roman West [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015], 207).
The senate and the people of Lanuvium voted an equestrian statue to be set up for Gaius Sulpicius Victor, father of Roman equestrians (equites), a most upright man, patron of the town (municipium), and they dedicated it to him for his unparalled service and immeasurable generosity towards them. On account of this dedication, he distributed 24 sesterces to each member of the board of the town (each decurion), Augustale, and senator, and gave a double banquet for the women’s assembly (curia).
Translation by: Richard Last
C(aio) Sulpicio Victori | patri eeqq(uitum) RR(omanorum) homini | innocentissimo patrono | municipi(i) s(enatus) p(opulusque) L(anuvinus) ob in||parem obsequium et | erga se inmensam mu|nificentiam eius eques|trem ponendam cen|suerunt dedicarumq(ue) || ob cuius dedicationem | viritim divisit decuri|onibus et Augustalib|us et curis n(ummos) XXIIII et curi(a)e | mulierum epulum || duplum dedit
Item added: April 29, 2020
Item modified: April 29, 2020
ID number: 24921
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Category: 8) Italy,
a) All Italian regions,
a) Women and the associations,
b) Sacrifice and the common meal,
Civic official,
Dedication inscription,
f) 2nd century CE,
g) 3rd century CE,
Honorary inscription,
Sacrifices / meals,
Statue or statue base