Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication to Theos Hypsistos by the “Adopted Brothers” (228 CE) Tanais - Bosporan region

Tanais (Bosporan region, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), 228 CE
AGRW 92 = GRA 96 = IBosp 1283 = IGRR I 920 = IPontEux II 452 = PHI 184025 = AGRW ID# 1842
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1323


Slab of marble broken in 68 pieces (76 x 60 x 2 cm; letter height: 3 cm). Found at Nedvigovka in 1869-70, now in Hermitage (inv. TH 317). The use of fictive sibling terminology (“brothers”) among members has been integrated within the title of the group. See also Levinskaya 1996, 245-46 (no. 4).

To good fortune!  Vow for Theos Hypsistos (“Highest god”).  During the reign of king … Tiberius (?) … Julius Kotys, friend of Caesar and friend of the Romans, pious one, the adopted brothers who revere (eispoiētoi adelphoi sebomenoi) Theos Hypsistos inscribed their names alongside the elder Name son of Name…, Nigosas son of Herakleides, Ariston son of Menestratos, Kalligenes (10) son of Myron, Alexion son of Patroklos, Eutychianos son of Name…, Eutyches son of Theagenes, Sozomenos son of Styranos, Maes son of Salas, Phadious son of Philemon, Dionysios son of Sogos, Eutychianos son of Gorgias, Dalosakos son of Symphoros, Kardious son of Dadas, Phosakos son of Phosakos, Diophantos son of Dionysios, Eutyches son of Antimachos, Dadas son of Chodiakios, Sambion son of Elpidion, Myreinos son of Mastous, and Asklas son of Herakleides.  Sambion son of Elpidion, Phourtas son of Agathos, and Agathemeros son of Publius gave this monument as a gift to the brothers.  (20) In the 525th year on the first day of the month Gorpiaios.

Translation by: Harland

[ἀγαθ]ῇ̣ τύχῃ̣. | Θεῷ̣ [Ὑ]ψίστῳ ε̣ὐ̣[χῇ]. | βασ̣ιλεύοντ[ο]ς̣ βασιλέω̣ς̣ [Τιβερίου] | [Ἰ]ουλίου Κ̣ό̣τυος φιλοκα[ίσαρο]ς̣ κ̣αὶ φι–||[λορωμαί]ο̣υ, εὐσεβοῦς, εἰσποιητοὶ | ἀ̣δ̣[ελφοὶ σ]ε̣βόμενοι Θεὸν Ὕψιστον, | ἐνγρ̣ά̣[ψαντ]ες ἑαυτῶν τ̣ὰ ὀνόματα | π̣ερὶ πρεσβ̣ύ̣τερον Μ̣[— — —] β̣ʹ καὶ̣ Νίγ̣οσα Ἡ–|ρ̣α̣κ̣λ̣[είδ]ου κ̣α̣ὶ Ἀρίστωνα Μ̣ενεστράτου καὶ Καλλι||γ[ένη]ν Μύρ̣ω̣νος, Ἀλεξίωνα Πατρόκλου, Εὐτυχιανὸς | Μ[— —]υ̣, Ε̣ὐ̣[τ]ύχης Θεαγένο̣υ̣, Σωζομενὸς Στυράνου, | Μάης̣ Σ̣αλᾶ, [Φ]α̣δίο̣[υς Φιλ]ήμονος, Δ̣ιονύσιος Σόγου, Εὐ|τυχιανὸς Γοργίου, Δ̣αλόσακος Συμ̣φόρου, Καρδ[ίο]υς Δά|δα, Φόσακος βʹ, Δι̣όφαντος̣ Διον̣υσίου, Εὐτύχης || Ἀντιμάχου, Δάδας Χοδιακίο̣υ, Σαμβίων Ἐλ|πιδίωνος̣, Μυρεῖνος̣ Μαστο̣ῦ̣, Ἀσκλᾶς Ἡρακλεί|[δ]ου. τὸν δὲ τελαμῶν̣α ἐ̣δωρήσατο τοῖς ἀδελ|[φ]οῖς Σαμ[βίω]ν Ἐλπιδίωνος̣. Φ̣ούρτας Ἀγαθοῦ, Ἀγαθή|μερος Ποπλίου. || ἐν τῷ εκ̣φʹ ἔτει, Γορπιαίου αʹ.

IBosp 1283: Facsimile by Ludolf Stephani, “Erklärung einiger im südlichen Russland gefundener Kunstwerke,” Compte rendu de la Commission Impériale Archéologique (1874) [1870-1871] 249-250 (no. 9)

IBosp 1283: Facsimile by Latyschev (IPontEux II 452).
Public domain.


Item added: June 15, 2012
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 1842
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