Tomis (Scythia and Moesia, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), ca. 100-50 BCE
AGRW 80 =
ITomis 120
= Jaccottet 2003, vol. 2, no. 62
= PHI 173220
= AGRW ID# 3720
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1204
This pure statue is dedicated on behalf of the society (thiasos) to you, blazing one, as a gift from from the workshop of Parmis, crowned initiate (mystikos) among the bacchants (i.e. devotees of Bacchos = Dionysos), who reveals the ancient rite. But you, bull-horned one, receive the handwork of Hermagenes and save the sacred society (thiasos) of Parmis.
Translation by: KloppenborgItem added: October 2, 2012
Item modified: October 1, 2020
ID number: 3720
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