Philippopolis (Thrace, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), II-III CE
AGRW 67 =
GRA I 89 =
IGBulg 5434
= SEG 47 (1997), no. 1089
= PHI 170564
= AGRW ID# 2630
Copenhagen Inventory info: 635
For good fortune! This was dedicated to the household of the Augusti, to the sacred Senate and the People of Rome, to the Council and People of Philippopolis, to the goddess Demeter and Kore, and to the associates (synētheis) of Homonoia (i.e. Concord personified). Tiberius Claudius Claudianus Quintillianus and his son Tiberius Claudius Varius Quintillianus set up the altar from their own resources.
Translation by: AscoughItem added: August 12, 2012
Item modified: September 26, 2020
ID number: 2630
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