Perinthos-Herakleia (Thrace, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), II-III CE
AGRW 66 =
IPerinthos 55
= SEG 26 (1976), no. 826
= PHI 167266
= AGRW ID# 2619
Copenhagen Inventory info: 544
Marble altar. Here an association at Perinthos in Thracia (perhaps a group of immigrants from Apamea) expresses connections with the people of Apamea in Bithynia.
For good fortune! The sanhedrin (synedrion) of friends of Apamea dedicated this altar to Homonoia (i.e. Concord personified). Prosper!
Translation by: Ascoughἀγαθῆι [τύχηι]·
τὸ συνέδρ[ιον] | τῶν Φιλαπαμέω[ν] | τὸν βωμὸν || τῇ Ὁμονοίᾳ | εὐτυχῶς.
Item added: August 12, 2012
Item modified: September 26, 2020
ID number: 2619
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