Thessalonike (Macedonia, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), late II CE
AGRW 55 =
GRA I 79 =
IG X,2.1 291
= IMakedD 439
= PHI 137473
= AGRW ID# 2465
Copenhagen Inventory info: 786
Slab of white marble, now in the Istanbul Museum (sculpture cat. no. 271). There is a relief of the Thracian Horseman above the inscription.
The association (synētheia) of purple dyers (porphyrobaphoi) of the eighteenth street honored Menippos, son of Amios, also called Severus, from Thyatira as a memorial.
Translation by: Ascoughἡ συνήθεια ∙ τῶ|ν πορφυροβάφ|ων τῆς ὀκτω|καιδ̣εκά̣τη̣ς || Μένιππον Ἀμιου | τὸν καὶ Σεβῆρον | Θυατειρηνὸν ∙ μνήμης | χάριν.
Item added: August 16, 2012
Item modified: September 7, 2020
ID number: 2465
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