Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

[53] Honors by an Association of “Lovers of Play” (ca. 100-150 CE) Thessalonike - Macedonia

Thessalonike (Macedonia, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), ca. 100-150 CE
AGRW 53 = GRA I 78 = IThessN II.12 = Nigdelis 2010, no. 41 = AGRW ID# 2432
Copenhagen Inventory info: 797


Slab found in five pieces in the western cemetery, now in the Thessaloniki Archaeological Museum (inv. no. Μθ 6167). The nature of the association, rendered here rather literally as “lovers of play” (philopaiktores), is ambigious but may have to do with athletic or dramatic shows.

The members of the association around Lucius Rusticilius Agathopous from among the sport lovers set this up for Titus Julius Prophetes, also called Secundus.

Translation by: Ascough

οἱ περὶ Λ(ούκιον) ̔Ρου|στεικείλιον ̓Αγα|θόποδαν συ|νήθεις φιλ[ο]παι||κτόρων Τ(ίτω)ͅ Εἰο|υλίῳ Προφήτῃ | τῷ κὲ Σεκούνδῳ.

Item added: August 11, 2012
Item modified: September 7, 2020
ID number: 2432
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