Thessalonike (Macedonia, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), I-II CE
AGRW 52 =
GRA I 77 =
IG X,2.1 255
= NewDocs I 6
= PHI 137437
= AGRW ID# 2422
. . . during the embassy . . . . . to enter into the shrine (oikos), it seemed in his sleep that Sarapis stood beside him and told him that after having arrived in Opus, he should carry a message to Eurynomos son of Timasitheos to receive Sarapis and his sister Isis, and that he should deliver to him (Eurynomos) the letter under the pillow. And waking up, he (Xenainetos) marveled at the dream and yet he was at a loss about what he should do because he was a political rival to Eurynomos. But, falling asleep again, and seeing the same things, when he awoke he found the letter under the pillow, just as it had been indicated to him. Now when he had returned (to Opus), he gave the letter to Eurynomos and reported the things that were decreed by the god. Now when Eurynomos received the letter and heard the things that Xenainetos said, he was at a loss because they were political rivals towards one other, as was made clear above. After having read the letter and having seen that the things that were written were in agreement with the things first having been said by him (Xenainetos), he (Eurynomos) received Sarapis and Isis. After he provided hospitality in the household (oikos) of Sosinike, she received Sarapis and Isis among the household gods. Sosinike offered the sacrifices for a certain time. And after her death Eunosta, the granddaughter of Sosibas, when she received the office, administered the mysteries of the gods among those not initiated into the sacred rites. When Eunosta finally fell ill . . . sacrificed on her behalf . . . . . . . .
Translation by: Ascough and KloppenborgItem added: August 11, 2012
Item modified: March 3, 2015
ID number: 2422
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