Rome (Latium, Italy — Pleiades map), late II-III CE
AGRW 324 =
= PHI 187719
= AGRW ID# 1863
Base (?) found in a house in the area of Alteriorum near church of Saint Marcus. There is another similar dedication involving Kore and the Sardians (IGUR 87).
Goddess Kore. Lucius Aurelius Satyros, freedperson of Augustus, has set this up for the Sardians.
Translation by: Harlandθεὰν ∙ Κόρην | Σαρδιανοῖς | Λ(ούκιος) ∙ Αὐρ(ήλιος) ∙ Σάτυρος | ἀπελ(εύθερος) ∙ Σεβασ(τοῦ) | ἀνέθηκεν.
Item added: June 18, 2012
Item modified: March 2, 2015
ID number: 1863
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