Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

[322] Regulations of the Association of Aesculapius and Hygiae (153 CE) Rome - Latium

Rome (Latium, Italy — Pleiades map), 153 CE
AGRW 322 = CIL VI 10234 = ILS 7213 = AGRW ID# 1831


Marble plaque with a Latin inscription from the Campus Martius district of Rome, now in the Vatican (Sala dell’Apoxyomenos, inv. no. 1172). “Aesculapius” is the Latin version of Asklepios, god of healing. The goddess Hygiae (Latin equivalent of Hygieia) was often portrayed as the daughter of Asklepios.

By-laws of the association (collegium) of Aesculapius and Hygiae (“Health”):

Salvia Marcellina daughter of Gaius (Salvius), in memory of Flavius Apollonius, procurator of the Augusti, who was in charge of the picture gallery in the palace, and in memory of Capito, imperial freedman, his assistant and her most excellent and pious husband, donated as a gift to the association (collegium) of Aesculapius and Hygiae the land for a chapel with a pergola and a mar­ble statue of Aesculapius and an attached covered solarium in which the membership (populi) of the above-named association can hold a banquet. This is located on the Via Appia near the temple of Mars, between the first and second milestones, on the left if one is leaving the city, between the property of Vibius Calocaerus and the public land. Likewise the same Marcellina donated to the 60 members of the above-named association 50,000 sesterces, on the following conditions:

– that no more members be elected than the above-mentioned number;

– that the place of deceased members shall be sold, and free persons shall be elected to membership or, if anyone wishes to bequeath his place to a son or a brother or a freedman, he may do so provided that he contribute to our treasury (arca) one-half of the funeral dues;

– that they use the above-mentioned funds for no other purpose than holding meetings on the days listed below;

– that, if they realize any income from the interest from this sum, they shall give presents (sportulae) to the 60 members – a provision that was approved unanimously at a plenary meeting convened in the Temple of the deified Caesars, in the shrine of the deified Titus, on March 11, in the year that Bruttius Praesens and Junius Rufinus were consuls; and,

– that on the September 19th which is the birth­day of our emperor Antoninus Pius, father of the country, they shall dis­tri­bute the presents in the Temple of the Deified Caesars, in the shrine of the Deified Titus.

Gaius Ofilius Hermes, president (quinquennalis) for life, or whoever it might be at that time, shall receive 3 denarii; Aelius Zenon, father of the association (pater collegi), shall receive 3 denarii; Salvia Marcellina, mother of the association (mater collegi), shall receive 3 denarii; dues-exempt members (immunes) shall receive 2 denarii each; the supervisors (curatores) shall receive 2 denarii each; and, members (populus) shall receive 1 denarius each.

It was also agreed that on the 4th of November, the anniversary of the association, they shall distribute the following from the above-mentioned interest in our meeting-place (schola) near the temple of Mars: to the president (quinquennalis), 6 denarii; to the father of the association (pater collegi), 6 denarii; to the mother of the association (mater collegi), 6 denarii; to dues-exempt members, 4 denarii each; to the supervisors (curatores), 4 denarii and bread worth 3 asses each. Measures of wine: to the president (quinquennalis), 9 measures (sextarii; about 5 litres, since a sextarius was about 0.546 litres,); to the father of the association (pater collegi), 9 measures; to dues-exempt members, 6 measures each; to the supervisors (curatores), 6 measures each; and, to individual members, 3 measures each.

It was also agreed that on the 4th of January they shall distribute the New Year’s presents in the same way prescribed above on September 19th.

Also, on the 22nd of February, the anniversary of our beloved pact, on the day of our beloved agreement, in the same place near the temple of Mars, they shall distribute the presents (sportulae) of bread and wine as prescribed above for the 4th of November.

It was also decided that on the day before the Ides of March there shall be a banquet in the same place, which Oflius Hermes, the president (quinquennalis), has promised to provide each year for all who are present, and to give out the presents as it is customary.

It was also decided that in the same place on the 22nd of March, on the day of violets, the presents of wine and bread should be distributed as stipulated above.

It was also decided that on the 11th of May, on the day of roses in the same place, the presents of wine and bread shall be distributed to those present, as stipulated above. This is done on the condition that the full assembly agrees that on the above-mentioned days the presents, both bread and wine, of those who did not attend the banquet should be sold and the proceeds distributed to those who are present, except for the presents of those who were overseas or prohibited by some serious condition.

Likewise, Publius Aelius Zenon, imperial freedman, donated to the same above-mentioned association 10,000 sesterces – in the memory of Marcus Ulpius Capito, an imperial freedman and his most pious brother – so that from the income from this sum presents might be distributed.

If any of this above-mentioned money, which Salvia Marcillina daughter of Gaius Salvius and Publius Aelius Zenon, imperial freedman, gave and donated to the above-mentioned association is used for another purpose than what is authorized above and agreed to by the membership of our association, and if they do something else or fail to do what is outlined regarding all the days that are mentioned above on which something is to occur, then those who happen at that time to be the president or supervisors of the above-mentioned association will pay as a penalty into our treasury (arca) the sum of 20,000 sesterces.

This decree was approved by the roster of members in a full meeting held in the temple of the deified Caesars in the shrine of the deified Titus on the 11th of March in the year that Gaius Bruttius Praesens and Junius Rufinus were consuls, when the president was Gaius Ofilius Hermes, and the supervisors were P. Aelius Onesimus, freedman of Augustus, and G. Salvius Seleucus.

Translation by: Harland

Lex collegi(i) Aesculapi et Hygiae | Salvia C(ai) f(ilia) Marcellina ob memoriam Fl(avi) Apolloni proc(uratoris) Aug(usti) qui fuit a pinacothecis et Capitonis Aug(usti) l(iberti) adiutoris | eius mariti sui optimi piissimi donum dedit collegio Aesculapi et Hygiae locum aediculae cum pergula et signum marmoreum Aesculapi et solarium tectum iunctum in | quo populus collegi(i) s(upra) s(cripti) epuletur quod est via Appia ad Martis intra milliarium I et II ab urbe euntibus parte laeva inter adfines Vibium Calocaerum et populum item || eadem Marcellina collegio s(upra) s(cripto) dedit donavitque HS L m(ilia) n(ummum) hominibus n(umero) LX sub hac condicione ut ne plures adlegantur quam numerus s(upra) s(criptus) et ut in locum | defunctorum loca veniant et liberi adlegantur vel si quis locum suum legare volet filio vel fratri vel liberto dumtaxat ut inferat arkae n(ostrae) partem | dimidiam funeratici et ne eam pecuniam s(upra) s(criptam) velint in alios usus convertere sed ut ex usuris eius summae diebus infra scriptis locum confrequentarent | ex reditu eius summae si quod comparaverint sportulas hominib(us) n(umero) LX ex decreto universorum quod gestum est in templo divorum in aede divi Titi con|ventu pleno qui dies fuit V Id(us) Mart(ias) Bruttio Praesente et Iunio Rufino co(n)s(ulibus) uti XIII K(alendas) Oct(obres) die felicissimo n(atali) Antonini Aug(usti) n(ostri) Pii p(atris) p(atriae) sportulas dividerent in || templo divorum in aede divi Titi C(aio) Ofilio Hermeti q(uin)q(uennali) p(er)p(etuo) vel qui tunc erit (denarios) III Aelio Zenoni patri collegi(i) (denarios) III Salviae Marcellinae matri collegi(i) (denarios) III imm(unibus) | sing(ulis) (denarios) II cur(atoribus) sing(ulis) (denarios) II populo sing(ulis) (denarios) I item pl(acuit) pr(idie) Non(as) Nov(embres) n(atali) collegi(i) dividerent ex reditu s(upra) s(cripto) ad Martis in scholam n(ostram) praesentibus q(uin)q(uennali) (denarios) VI patri colleg(ii) (denarios) VI | matri collegi(i) (denarios) VI imm(unibus) sing(ulis) (denarios) IIII cur(atoribus) sing(ulis) (denarios) IIII panem [a(ssium)] III vinum mensuras q(uin)q(uennali) (sextariorum) VIIII patr(i) coll(egii) (sextariorum) VIIII imm(unibus) sing(ulis) (sextariorum) VI cur(atoribus) sing(ulis) (sextariorum) VI populo sing(ulis) (sextariorum) III item pr(idie) Non(as) Ian(uarias) | strenuas dividerent sicut s(upra) s(criptum) est XIII K(alendas) Oct(obres) item VIII K(alendas) Mart(ias) die kar(a)e cognationis ad Martis eodem loco dividerent sportulas pane(m) et vinum sicut s(upra) s(criptum) est | pr(idie) Non(as) Nov(emres) item pr(idie) Id(us) Mart(ias) eodem loco cenam quam Ofilius Hermes q(uin)q(uennalis) omnib(us) annis dandam praesentibus promisit vel sportulas sicut solitus est dare item || XI K(alendas) Apr(iles) die violari eodem loco praesentibus dividerentur sportulae vinu pane Sscut diebus s(upra) s(criptis) item V Id(us) Mai(as) die rosae eodem loco praesentib(us) dividerentur spor|tulae vinu et pane sicut diebus s(upra) s(cripits) ea condicione qua in conventu placuit universis ut diebus s(upra) s(criptis) ii qui ad epulandum non convenissent sportulae et pane et vinu | eorum venirent et praesentibus divideretur excepto eorum qui trans mare erunt vel qui perpetua valetudine detinetur item P(ublius) Aelius Aug(usti) lib(ertus) Zenon | eidem collegio s(upra) s(cripto) ob memoriam M(arci) Ulpi Aug(usti) lib(erti) Capitonis fratris sui piissimi dedit donavitque HS X m(ilia) n(ummum) uti ex reditu eius summae in contri|butione sportularum dividerentur quod si ea pecunia omnis quae s(upra) s(cripta) est quam dedit donavit collegio s(upra) s(cripto) || Salvia C(ai) f(ilia) Marcellina et P(ublius) Aelius Aug(usti) lib(ertus) Zeno in alios usus convertere voluerint quam in eos usus qui s(upra) s(cripti) s(unt) quos ordo collegi(i) n(ostri) decrevit et uti | haec omnia q(uae) s(upra) s(cripta) s(unt) suis diebus ut ita fiant dividantque quod si adversus ea quid fecerint sive quid ita non fecerint tunc q(uin)q(uennalis) vel curato|res eiusdem collegi qui tunc erunt si adversus ea quid fecerint q(uin)q(uennalis) et curatores s(upra) s(cripti) uti poenae nomine arkae n(ostrae) inferant HS XX m(ilia) n(ummum) | hoc decretum ordini n(ostro) placuit in conventu pleno quod gestum est in templo divorum in aede divi Titi V Id(us) Mart(ias) C(aio) Bruttio Prae|sente A(ulo) Iunio Rufino co(n)s(ulibus) q(uin)q(uennali) C(aio) Ofilio Hermete curatorib(us) P(ublio) Aelio Aug(usti) lib(erto) Onesimo et C(aio) Salvio Seleuco.

Item added: June 18, 2012
Item modified: March 23, 2015
ID number: 1831
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