Tanagra (Boeotia, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), II-I BCE
AGRW 31c (based on an old reading) =
Marchand 2015, 258 (no. 5; new reading)
= IG VII 687 (old reading)
= PHI 144166
= AGRW ID# 4501
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1745
Badly worn slab of beige marble (79 x 38.5 x 9.5 cm). Now in Skhimatari Museum (inv. 1569). The new, improved reading below (based on autopsy) is that of Marchand. An individual butcher is attested in another grave from Tanagra, dating ca. 200 BCE: Ἀγάθων μάγιρος (IG VII 1562).
Farewell, Hippomachos! The butchers (mageiroi) who sacrifice together (synthytai) buried him.
Translation by: HarlandἹππόμαχε | χῆρε· | οὗτον ἔθαψ[α]ν | τὺ σ̣ουνθύ̣τη̣ τὺ μάγ̣ιρυ̣.
Item added: October 23, 2012
Item modified: September 4, 2020
ID number: 4501
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