Rome (Latium, Italy — Pleiades map), 146 CE (May 6)
AGRW 319 =
= R.E.A. Palmer, “Paean and Paeanist of Serapis and the Flavian Emperors.” In Nomodeiktes: Greek Studies in Honor of Martin Ostwald (Ralph M. Rosen and Joseph Farrell, eds.; Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993) 355-66
= RICIS 501/0118 = SIRIS 384
= PHI 187710
= AGRW ID# 1854
The sacred order (taxis) of the Paianists (Paianistai) of Zeus Helios, the great Sarapis, in Rome and of the Augusti (Sebastoi) gods (i.e. members of the imperial family) honored Embes, prophet and father (patēr) of the order mentioned above, with a marble bust which was set up in the house (oikos) of the Paeanists on the day before the nones of May, which is the eleventh of the month of Pachon according to the Alexandrians. This was done when Meteilius Ampliatus the elder was curator, during the consulship of Sextus Erucius Clarus – consul for the second time – and Gnaeus Claudius Severus.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: June 15, 2012
Item modified: April 6, 2016
ID number: 1854
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