Paestum (Bruttium and Lucania, Italy — Pleiades map), undated
AGRW 315 =
AÉ (1975), no. 236
= AGRW ID# 4058
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1086
Table of bronze with Latin inscription found in the temple. The “Unconquered God” invoked here is likely Mithras.
The association (collegium) erected this monument to the Unconquered god (deus invictus) for Aurelius, a freedman, from their own resources.
Translation by: KloppenborgCollegi(um) dei invic(ti) | Aurio li(berto) | p(ecunia) s(ua) f(ecit).
Item added: October 16, 2012
Item modified: June 1, 2021
ID number: 4058
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