Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

[310] Regulations of the Worshippers of Diana and Antinoüs (136 CE) Lanuvium - Campania

Lanuvium (Campania, Italy — Pleiades map), 136 CE (June 9)
AGRW 310 = CIL XIV 2112 = ILS 7212 = AGRW ID# 4043


Marble plaque with a Latin inscription, broken into 65 pieces and found in 1816. Now in the Museo nationale romano alle Terme di Diocleziano (inv. 1031). The inscription may have been attached to the wall of a public bath or located near a cemetery. Numbers provided in square brackets in the translation are added to clarify each of the laws that were passed by the group. Antinoüs (or Antinous or Antinoos), a youth from Bithynia, was a favorite of the emperor Hadrian and was in some cases treated as a god after his death (by drowning) in 130 CE.

In the year that Lucius Commodus and Sextus Vettulenus Civica Pom­peianus were consuls, five days before the Ides of June (June 9), (column 1) at Lanuvium in the temple of Antinoüs, in which Lucius Caesennius Rufus, patron of the municipality had directed that a meeting be called through Lucius Pompeius . . . Name, president (quinquennalis) of the worshipers of Diana and Antinoüs, he promised that he would give them, out of his generosity, the interest on 15,000 sesterces, namely, 400 sesterces on the birthday of Diana on the Ides of August (Aug. 13), and 400 sesterces on the birthday of Antinoüs, five days before the Kalends of December (Nov. 27).  He also instructed that the by-laws established by them should be inscribed on the inner side at the bottom of the four-columned porch (tetrastyle) of thetemple ofAntinoüs as recorded below.

In the year that Marcus Antonius Hiberus and Publius Mummius Sisenna were consuls, on the Kalends of January (Jan. 1), the benevolent association (collegium salutare) of Diana . . . and Antinoüs was founded, Lucius Caesennius Rufus son of Lucius, of the Quirinia tribe, being for the third time sole magistrate (dictator) and also patron.

(line 10) Clause from the decree of the Senate of the Roman People:  These are permitted to assemble, convene, and have an association (collegium): those who desire to make monthly contributions . . . may assemble in such an association, but. . .  not . . . in the name of such an association except once a month for the sake of . . ., to provide burial for them when they die.

May this be favourable, propitious, and happy to the emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus and to the entire imperial house, to us, to our families, and to our association, and may we have made proper and careful arrangements for providing decent arrangements at the departure of the dead!  Therefore we must all agree to contribute faithfully, so that our association may be able to continue in existence a long time.

(line 20) You who desire to enter this association as a new member must first read the by-laws carefully before entering, so as not to find cause for complaint later or bequeath a lawsuit to your heir.

By-Laws of the Collegium

[1] It was voted unanimously that whoever wishes to enter this association shall pay an initiation fee of 100 sesterces and an amphora of good wine, and shall pay monthly dues of 5 asses (1.25 sesterces).

[2] It was voted further that if anyone has not paid his dues for six consecutive months and the common lot of humankind befalls him, his claim to burial shall not be considered, even if he has provided for it in his will.

[3] It was further voted that upon the death of a paid-up member of our body there will be due him from the treasury 300 sesterces, from which sum will be deducted a funeral fee of 50 sesterces, which will be distributed at the funeral pyre (among those attending); the obsequies, furthermore, will be performed on foot.

[4] It was further voted that if a member dies farther than 20 miles from town and the association is notified, three men chosen from our body will be required to go there to arrange for his funeral; they will be required to render an accounting in good faith to the membership (populus), and if they are found guilty of any fraud they shall pay a quadruple fine. They will be given money for the funeral expenses (funeraticium), and in addition a round trip travel allowance of 20 sesterces each.

(line 30) But if a member dies farther than 20 miles from town and notification is impossible, then he who has carried out the funeral shall claim his funeral expenses (funeraticium) from the association. The seals of seven Roman citizens must be attached to the documents and the matter has been approved. And security must be given that no one else is going to claim a further sum, and that the stipends and the money spent on the obsequies in accordance with the by-laws of the association have been deducted. Let no bad faith attend! Also let no patron or patroness, master (column 2) or mistress, or creditor have any right of claim against the association, unless he has been named heir in a will. If a member dies without a will, the details of his burial (funus) will be decided by the president (quinquennalis) and the membership (populus).

[5] It was voted further that if a slave member of this association dies and his master or mistress unreasonably refuses to relinquish the body for burial, and he has not left written instruction, a funeral with an image of him will be held.

[6] It was further voted that if any member takes his own life for any reason whatever, his claim to burial shall not be considered.

(line 40) [7] It was voted further that if any slave becomes free, he must give an amphora of good vine.

[8] It was voted further that if any master (magister), in the year when it is his turn in the membership list to provide dinner, fails to comply and provide a dinner, he shall pay 30 sesterces into the treasury.  The man next in line shall be required to give the dinner, and the delinquent shall be required to reciprocate when it is the latter’s turn.

[9] Roster (ordo) of dinners: 8 days before the Ides of March (Mar. 8), on the birthday of Caesennius . . . the father; 5 days before the Kalends of December (Nov. 27), on birthday of Antinoüs; on the Ides of August (Aug. 13), the birthday of Diana and of the association (collegium); 13 days before the Kalends of September (Aug. 20), on the birthday of Caesennius Silvanus, his brother; the day before the Nones of (Sept. 12 [?]), the birthday of Cornelia Procula, his mother; 19 days before the Kalends of January (Dec. 14), the birthday of Caesennius Rufus, patron of the municipality.

[10] Masters (magistri) of the dinners in the order of the membership list (album), appointed four at a time in turn, shall be required to provide an amphora of good wine each, and for as many members as the association has, bread costing 2 asses, four sardines, the setting, and warm water with service.

(line 50) [11] It was voted further that any member who becomes president (quinquennalis) in this association shall be exempt from contributions for the term when he is president, and that he shall receive a double share in all distributions.

[12] It was further voted that the secretary (scriba) and the messenger (viator) shall be exempt from such obligations and shall receive a share and a half in every distribution.

[13] It was voted further that any member who has administered the office of president honestly shall receive a share and a half of everything as a mark of this honor, so that other presidents will also hope for the same by discharging their duties properly.

[14] It was voted further that if any member wishes to lodge any complaint or discuss business, he is to bring it up at a business meeting, so that we may have the banquet in peace and good cheer on festive days.

[15] It was further voted that any member who moves from one seat to another so as to cause a disturbance shall be fined 4 sesterces. (line 60) Any member, moreover, who speaks abusively of another or causes an uproar shall be fined 12 sesterces. Any member who uses any abusive or insolent language to a president at a banquet shall be fined 20 sesterces.

[16] It was further voted that on the solemn days of his term each president is to conduct worship with incense (?) and wine and is to perform his other functions clothed in white, and that on the birthdays of Diana and Antinoüs he is to provide oil for the association in the public bath before the banquet.

Translation by: Kloppenborg

L(ucio) Ceionio Commodo Sex(to) Veṭṭuḷẹno Civịc̣ạ P̣omp̣ẹịaṇọ c̣ọ(n)s(ulibus) a(nte) d(iem) V idus Iun(ias). | (column.1) [Lanuvi in] templo Antinoì, in quo L(ucius) Caesennius Rufus | [patronu]s municipì conventum haberì iusserat, per L(ucium) Pompeium | [ - - - ]ụm q(uin)q(uennalem) cultorum Dìanae et Antinoì, pollicitus est se | [conl]aturum eìs ex lìberalitate sua ((sestertium)) X̅V̅ m(ilium) n(ummum) usum die || [natal]is Dianae ìdib(us) Aug(ustis) ((sestertios)) CCCC n(ummos) et die natalis Antinoì V k(alendas) | [Dec(embres)] ((sestertios)) CCCC n(ummos) et praecepit legem ab ipsis constitutam sub tetra | [stylo A]ntinoì parte interiori perscribi in verba infra scripta: | [M(arco) Antonio Hiber]o P(ublio) Mummio Sisenna co(n)s(ulibus) kal(endis) Ian(uariis) collegium salutare Dianae | [---] et Antinoì constitutum, L(ucio) Caesennio L(uci) f(ilio) Qui(rina) Rufo dic(tatore) III idemq(ue) patr(ono). || Kaput ex s(enatus) c(onsulto) p(opuli) R(omani): | quib[us permissum est co]nvenire collegiumq(ue) habere liceat; qui stipem menstruam conferre vo|len[t ad facienda sa]cra in it collegìum coeant, neq(ue) sub specie eius collegi nisi semel in men| se c[oeant stipem con]ferendi causa, unde defuncti sepeliantur. | [Quod fa]ust[um fe]lix salutareq(ue) sit Imp(eratori) Caesari Traiano Hadriano Aug(usto) totiusque || [do]mus [Aug(ustae)] nobis [n]ostrìs collegioq(ue) nostro, et bene adque industrie contraxerimus ut | [e]xitus d[efu]nctorum honeste prosequamur! Itaq(ue) bene conferendo universì consentire | debemus u[t long]o tempore inveterescere possimus. Tu qui novos in hoc collegio | intrare vole[s, p]rius legem perlege et sic intra, ne postmodum queraris aut heredi tuo | controver[si]am relinquas. Lexs collegì.|| [Plac]uit universis, ut quisquis in hoc collegium intrare voluerit, dabit kapitulari nomine | (sestertios) C n(ummos) et v[ini] boni amphoram; item in menses sing(ulos) a(sses) V. Item placuit, ut quisquis mensib(us) | contin[uis se]x non pariaverit et ei humanitus acciderit, eius ratio funeris non habebitur, | etiamsi [tes]tamentum factum habuerit. Item placuit: quisquis ex hoc corpo|re n(ostro) pariatu[s] decesserit, eum sequentur ex arca ((sesterti)) CCC n(ummi), ex qua summa decedent exe||quiari nomine ((sestertium)) L n(ummum), qui ad rogus dividentur; exequiae autem pedibus fungentur. | Item placuit, quisquis a municipio ultra milliar(ium) XX decesserit et nuntiatum fuerit, eo exire debebunt | electi ex corpore n(ostro) homines tres, qui funeris eius curam agant et rationem populo reddere debebunt | sine dolo m[al]o; et si quit in eis fraudis causa inventum fuerit, eis multa esto quadruplum. Quibus | [funeraticium] eius dabitur; hoc amplius viatici nomine ultro citro sing(ulis) ((sestertium)) XX n(ummum). Quod si longius || [a municipio su]pra mill(iarium) XX decesserit et nuntiari non potuerit, tum is qui eum funeraverit testa| [tor rem tabu]lis signatis sigillis civium Romanor(um) VII e[t] probata causa funeraticium eius, sa|[tis dato ampli]us neminem petiturum, deductis commodis et exequiario, e lege collegi dari [ei debebit a n(ostro) co]llegio dolus malus abesto neque patrono neque patronae neque d[omino] | (column 2.) neque d[o]ṃinae neque creditori ex hoc collegio ulla petitio esto, nisi si quis testamento here[s] | nomina[tu]ṣ ẹrit. Si quis intestatus decesserit, is arbitrio quinq(uennalis) et populì funerabitur. | Item placuit: q[ui]squis ex hoc collegio servus defunctus fuerit et corpus eius a domino dominav[e] | iniquitatae sepulturae datum non fuerit neque tabellas fecerit, eì funụs imag[ina] || rium fiet. Item placuit: quisquis ex quacumque causa mortem sibi adsciveri[t] | eius ratio funeris non habebitur. | Item placuit, ut quisquis servus ex hoc collegio lìber factus fuerit, is dare debebit vìni [bo]|nì amp̣ḥoram. Item placuit: quisquis magister suo anno erit ex ordine a[lbi] | ad cenam faciendam, et non observaveriṭ neque fecerit, is arcae inferet ((sestertios)) XXX n(ummos); || insequens eius dare debebit, et is eius loco restituere debebit. | Ordo cenarum: VIII id(us) Mar(tias) natali Caesenni [---] patris; V kal(endas) Dec(embres) nat(ali) Ant[inoi]; | idib(us) Aug(ustis) natali Dianae et collegi; XIII k(alendas) Sept(embres) na[t(ali) Caes]ẹnni Silvanì fratris; pr(idie) N[onas ---] | natalì Corneliae Proculaẹ matris; XIX k(alendas) Ian(uarias) na[t(ali) Cae]ṣẹnni Rufi patr(oni) munic[ipi]. | Magistrì cenarum ex ordine albi factì qụ[oqu]o ordine homines quaternì ponere debeb[unt]: || vìni bonì amphoras singulas, et panes a(ssium) II qui numerus collegì fuerit, et sardas [nu]|mero quattuor, strationem, caldam cum ministerio. | Ìtem placuit, ut quisquis quinquennalis in hoc collegio factus fuerit, is a sigillìs eius temporiṣ, | quo quinquennalis erit, immunis esse debebit, et eì ex omnibus dìvìsionibus partes dupḷ[as] | daṛi. Item sc̣rìbae et viatorì a sigillìs vacantibus partes ex omni divisione sesquip[las] || dari placuit. | Item placuit, ut quisquis quinquennalitatem gesserit integre, eì ob honorem partes se[squi]|plas ex omni re dari, ut et reliquì recte faciendo idem sperent. | Item placuit, sì quis quid querì aut referre volet, in conventu referat, ut quietì e[t] | hilares diebus sollemnibus ep̣ulemur. || Item placuit, ut quisquis sedịtionis causa de loco in alium locum transierit, ei multa es|to ((sestertium)) IIII n(ummum). Si quis autem in obprobrium alter alterius dìxerit, aut tu[mul]|tuatus fuerit, eì multa esto (sestertium) XII n(ummum). Si quis quinquennali inter epuḷ[as] | obprobrium aut quid contumeliose dixerit, ei multa esto ((sestertium)) XX n(ummum). | Item placuit, ut quinquennalis sui cuiusque temporis diebus sollemṇ[ibus ture] || et vìno supplicet et ceteris officiis albatus fungatur, et die[bus natalibus] | Dianae et Antinoi oleum collegio in balinio publico pon[at antequam] | epulentur.

Item added: October 16, 2012
Item modified: June 21, 2020
ID number: 4043
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