Oxyrhynchos (Upper Egypt, Egypt — Pleiades map), 99 BCE (17 Oct.–15 Nov.)
AGRW 304 =
GRA III 248 =
PRyl IV 586
= Papyri.info TM 5736
= AGRW ID# 3185
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1532
. . . Persian of the descent of the village of Aphrodite Bernike Polis . . . from their common money, the sum of fifty-three talents, . . . thousand drachmas in copper, with an interest rate of two drachmas per month for each mina (i.e. 24% per year). Let Demetrios repay the fifty-three talents and . . . thousand drachmas with interest in the . . . month of the sixteenth year, to the lenders or to the treasurer of the association (koinon) who will be appointed for that year. If he does not repay the loan in accordance with what is written here, Demetrios must repay to the lenders or to the treasurer of the association who will be immediately appointed both the loan and the interest when the time that has been indicated has elapsed. The surety for all the provisions in this agreement guaranteeing full payment is Demetrios’ wife Asklepias daughter of Sosibios, a Persian of the descent, acting with the same guardian. The right of execution shall be with the lender or with the treasurer of the association who will be appointed, on both of them or against whichever they should choose, and against all of their possessions, as if by a legal decision. The contract is valid.
(2nd hand) Simaristos, aged about sixty, bald with a long face and a scar on the right forehead; Didymos, aged about fifty-three years, with his forehead bald and a long and smooth face, with a scar under this right . . .; Demetrios, aged about thirty-three, smaller than. . . on the ankle, and a scar on the right temple and another just below it.
Translation by: KloppenborgItem added: September 18, 2012
Item modified: May 27, 2021
ID number: 3185
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