Ptolemais Hermiou (Upper Egypt, Egypt — Pleiades map), 269–246 BCE
AGRW 298 =
GRA III 243 =
= RIG 1017
= PHI 218976
= AGRW ID# 2966
Copenhagen Inventory info: 115
The performers associated with Dionysos and the Brother gods resolved: Since Lysimachos son of Ptolemaios of the Sostratic deme, the cavalry commander and president (prytanis) for life has first of all displayed good will – and even now in many ways continues to do so – to the king and to the king’s parent, and conducts himself in a pious and holy manner to towards Dionysos and the other gods. Since he had also dealt with the performers in a generous fashion (philanthrōpōs) and assisted each member individually and everyone collectively with zeal, giving himself intensely to the growth of the theatrical profession; and since it is good to honor such distinguished men as these with the appropriate honors, the association (koinon) of the performers devoted to Dionysos, whose names are subscribed, resolved to crown Lysimachos with an ivy wreath in accordance with ancestral custom on the eleventh of the month of Peritios at the Dionysia festival, on account of the excellence and piety that he has shown to King Ptolemaios and to Dionysos and the good will he has towards the king and his parents and to the association of the performers. For good fortune! They shall also set up a carved image of him in the vestibule of the civic president’s building (prytaneion). And the secretary of the association, Demarchos, shall inscribe this decree on a plaque and set it up in front of the temple of Dionysos. Sosibios the treasurer (oikonomos) shall pay the expenses for these things.
(column 1) Zopyros, who is in charge of the sacred rites for the trienniel and annual festivals and his brothers, Dionysios and Taurinos. Tragic poets: Phainippos and Diognetos; comic poets: Stratagos and Mousaios; epic poets: Demarchos, Theogenes, Artemidoros; singers with a lyre: Menippos; lyre player: Herakleitos; dancer: Ptolemaios; . . . (column 2) tragic actor: Metrodoros; comics actors: Telemachos, Agathodoros, Apollonios, Asklepodoros son of Apollonios, Apollonios, Diodoros; tragic fellow-competitors: Apollonides, Archonos, Kleitos, Ptolemaios, Zopyros; chorus director: Name(s); . . . (column 3) tragic flute player: Thraikides; trumpet player: Thrasymachos; makers of masks and stage-props: Baton; guests: Demetrios, Phaidimos, Artemidoros, Spoudias, Dionysios; friends of the performers (i.e. honorary members; philotechnitai): Demetrios, Stephanos, Leon, Artemidoros, Demetrios, Aristonous.
Translation by: KloppenborgItem added: September 12, 2012
Item modified: May 31, 2021
ID number: 2966
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