Philadelphia (Fayum region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 139 CE (17 December)
AGRW 296 =
GRA III 233 =
BGU VII 1572
= TM 9480
= AGRW ID# 2928
To Dion, commander (stratēgos) of the division of Herakleides of the Arsinoite (nome), from the wool-weavers of the village of Philadelphia. Since we have recently received . . . x drachmas from the public treasury that we might prepare military clothing . . . some men from our guild (ergasia) . . . to complete what was ordered . . . four of them have been given . . . for public service, they have been taken from us and they went to Alexandria and what is more, we are. . . .
And so we are forced to come to you and request, if it please you, to grant those of us who are left to remain exempt from all public services, so that we may complete the clothing that has been ordered and deliver it, especially because we have received another order for military clothing which we must complete next, so that we may obtain redress. Initially, we were twelve men, of whom four have been taken away, so that now we are only eight men.
In the third year of emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrian Antoninus Augustus Pius, on the 20th of the month of Hadrianos.
Translation by: KloppenborgItem added: September 12, 2012
Item modified: February 5, 2020
ID number: 2928
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