Philadelphia (Fayum region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 69-58 BCE
AGRW 295 =
GRA III 199 =
PLond VII 2193
= Roberts, Skeat and Nock 1936, 39-88
= TM 2462
= AGRW ID# 2922
Copenhagen Inventory info: 654
(front [recto])
Horion son of Haryotes . . . thirty two. Total: 32.
For good fortune! The law which those belonging to the synod (synodos) of Zeus Hypsistos (“Highest”) devised jointly to be binding. Acting in the prescribed manner, they first chose for themselves Petesouchos the son of Teephbennis as their leader (hēgoumenos), a learned man, worthy of the place and of the banqueting hall (andrōn), for a year from the month and day written above. You shall arrange one banquet a month in the sanctuary of Zeus for all the contributors, at which they should in a common banqueting hall pour libations, pray, and perform the other customary rites on behalf of the god and lord, the king.
Further everyone must obey the leader and his assistant in matters concerning the association (koinon) and they shall be present for all occasions that have been prescribed for them, at meetings (synlogous), gatherings (synagōga), and outings (apodēmia). It is not lawful for any one of them to . . . (unknown verb), or to establish factions, or to depart from the brotherhood (phratra) of the leader to join another brotherhood, or for men to argue about one another’s genealogies at the banquet (symposion) or to abuse one another verbally at the banquet, or to chatter or to indict or accuse another, or to resign for the course of the year, or to be absent from the banquet, or . . . , or to steal the wife of another member, or to obstruct the leader (?) . . . public . . . at the marriages and… each shall contribute their dues (?) . . . and if any of them becomes a father (?), he shall receive (?) . . .
(back [verso])
Pnepheros 2 for ?: 1200; 3 Apollonios: 800; Sokrates 3 for the current year (?): 1200; 4 Petosiris: 1200; Petesouchos, 2 for ?: 1200; 3 . . . Kaleibis: 1100.
Translation by: Kloppenborg(recto) Ὡρίων̣ Ἁρυώτου αγελ( ) αι̣ ̣ ̣ | τριάκοντα δύο (γίνονται) λβ | ἀγαθῆι τύχηι. | νόμος ὃν ἔθεντο [κα]τὰ κοινὸν οἱ ἐκ τῆς τοῦ Διὸς Ὑψίστου συνόδου τοῦτον εἶναι κύριον, || καὶ ποιοῦντες καθι διαγ̣[ορ]εύει πρῶτον μὲν προχειρισάμενοι ἐπʼ ἑαυτῶν | ἡγούμενον Πετεσοῦ[χον] Τ̣εεφβέννιος, ἄνδρα λόγιον, τοῦ τόπου καὶ τῶν ἀνδρῶν | ἄξιον, εἰς ἐ[ν]ι̣α̣υ̣τὸν [ἀπὸ τοῦ] προ̣[γ]ε̣γ̣[ρ]αμένου μηινὸς καὶ ἡμέρας συνει̣σ̣|φ̣[ό]ρ̣[οι]ς δ̣ὲ̣ πᾶσι π[οιεῖσθ]ε κατὰ μ̣ῆινα πόσι[ν] μίαν α ἐν τῶι τοῦ Διὸς | ἱερ̣ῶ̣ι ἐ̣ν̣ αἷς ἐν ἀνδ[ρῶνι] κοινῶι σ̣π̣έν̣δοντ̣ες εὐχέσθωισαν καὶ τἄλλα τὰ νο||μιζ̣ό[μεν]α ὑπὲρ τε τ[ο]ῦ θ̣εο(ῦ) κ̣αὶ κυρίο(υ) βασ̣ιλ̣έ̣ω̣ς̣· ὑπακούσειν δὲ πάντας τοῦ τε ἡγουμ̣έ̣|νου κ̣α̣ὶ̣ τ̣[οῦ] τούτου ὑπηρέτου ἔν τε τοῖς ἀ̣ν̣ήκουσι τῶι κοινῶι καὶ παρέσονται ἐπὶ τὰ̣[ς] | δοθει[σομ]έναις αὐτοῖς παραγγελίας κ̣α̣ὶ̣ [σ]υνλ̣όγους καὶ συναγωγὰς καὶ ἀποδημί̣[ας] | καὶ μ[η]ι[δ]ενὶ αὐτῶν ἐ̣ξ̣έ̣στωι συντευ̣μ̣αταρχήισειν μηιδὲ σχίματα συνίστασ[θαι] | μηιδ̣ʼ ἀπ[ο]χ̣ωρήισε[ιν ἐκ] τ̣ῆς τοῦ ἡγ[ου]μ̣ένου φράτρας εἰς ἑτέραν φράτραν || καὶ μὴι γ̣[ε]ν̣εαλογ[ήσειν ἕ]τερος τὸν ἕτ̣ε̣ρ̣ον ἐν τῶι συμποσίωι μηδὲ κακο|λογ[ήσειν] ἕτερος [τὸν] ἕτερον ἐν τῶ̣ι̣ συμποσίωι μηιδὲ λαλήσειν μηι|δὲ ἐπ̣[ικα]λήσειν καὶ̣ μ̣ὲ̣ κατηιγορή[σ]ε̣ι̣ν̣〚α〛τοῦ ἑτέρου μηιδὲ ἀπόρρηισιν | διδ[όναι] ἐ̣πὶ τὸν ἐνι[αυτ]ὸν καὶ μηιδʼ ἀ[φα]ν̣ιεῖν τὰς συμποσίας μηιδὲ ἐπείγεσ|θα̣[ι ἀ]ε̣ὶ̣ τ̣[ό]πον εκ τόπ(ου) [μη]ι̣δʼ ἀποκλέ̣ψει̣ν̣ τ̣[ὴ]ν̣ ἑτέραν καὶ μὴι κωλύσειν τὸν || [- ca.19 - δη]μοσίω[ι] κα̣ὶ ἀ̣[ντ]ὶ τ̣ο̣[ῦ] πρός τε τὰς συμβολ(ὰς) καὶ τἄλλα ἐπὶ | [- ca.28 -]ηπει καὶ εἰσενεγκεῖν ἕκαστος αὐτῶ̣ν̣ | [- ca.35 -] ε̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣] ἐὰν δέ τις αὐτῶν πατὴρ | [γένηται [- ca.37 -] η̣[ ̣]χ̣[ ̣]κ̣η |
(verso) Πνεφερῶ(ς) β τῆς ἀνὰ χειρο̣( ) Ασ || γ Ἀπολλώνιο(ς) ω | Σωκράτης γ τῆς ἐ̣ν̣ε̣σ̣τ̣(ώσης) Ασ̣ | δ Πετοσεῖρις Ασ | Πε̣[τ]εσ̣ο̣ῦχο(ς) β τῆς ἐπὶ χει̣( ) Α̣[σ] || γ [ ̣ ̣] ̣ρ̣ Κα̣λεῖβις 〚Αρ〛
Item added: September 12, 2012
Item modified: May 26, 2021
ID number: 2922
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