Sidon (Syria and Phoenicia, Greater Syria and the East — Pleiades map), early II BCE
AGRW 273 =
Th. Macridy “A travers les necropoles sidoniennes.” Revue biblique 13 (1904), 551 (no. 2)
= Gustave Mendel, Catalogue des sculptures grecques, romaines et byzantines (Constantinople: En vent au, 1912-14), 262-263 (no. 103)
= AGRW ID# 1891
Saettas son of Trokondos, Pisidian of the Termessians near Oenoanda, fellow soldier. The corporate body (politeuma) of the Pisidians of the Termessians near Oenoanda set this up for their own citizen. Farewell courageous one!
Translation by: HarlandItem added: June 15, 2012
Item modified: May 25, 2021
ID number: 1891
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