Thasos (Northern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), II BCE
AGRW 263 =
IG XII, Suppl 365
= RICIS 201/0101
= R.K. Sherk, “The Eponymous Officials of Greek Cities V,” ZPE 96 (1993) 291-295 (link)
= PHI 79925
= AGRW ID# 1744
Copenhagen Inventory info: 17
For good fortune! The Sarapis-devotees (Sarapiastai) resolved to honor the position of the eponymous official of the Sarapis-devotees. The person in the position of the eponymous official will receive the following benefits from the association (koinon): He will recline on the sacred couch having a white priestly headband. He will be crowned in public at each meeting (synodos) by the host with the eponymous crown, having been announced by the sacred herald. He will receive from the association, eternally as long as he shall live, his surname on the administrative proceedings which the Sarapis-devotees administer. And during the drinking bout he will be entitled to vote along with the priest and the secretary, according to what is set out in the law.
The purchaser of the position of the eponymous official will give the first installment in the month of Galaxion in the year of Leonidas (current eponymous official of the group or of Thasos), and the second in the year after Leonidas, and the third in the year after in this manner. From this balance, the eponymous official and the secretary are required to engrave the decrees in the sanctuary and engrave the names of the one holding the position of the eponymous official and the fellow Sarapis-devotees. These shall be engraved in the sanctuary in the most visible place, or wherever the eponymous official desires. Hypsikles son of Stasimenes bought the position for 96 drachmas.
Eponymous official: Hypsikles son of Stasimenes.
Sarapis-devotees: Diodoros son of Archedemos, Aristes son of Parmenos, Paiestratos son of Pythippos, Polykrates son of Philokrates, Philiskos son of Kleon . . . (the other names are lost)
Translation by: AscoughItem added: March 2, 2012
Item modified: March 18, 2021
ID number: 1744
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