Lindos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 88-85 BCE
AGRW 253 =
ILindos 292
= PHI 191010
= AGRW ID# 1719
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1063
Timachidas son of Hagesitimos, who served in the navy on both unfortified and fortified ships and was a noble man in the battles, has been honored by the association (koinon) of Hesteian devotees of Helios and his daughters (Haliastai Haliadai) with a gold crown and by the association (koinon) of celebrators of the Panathenaia festival (Panathenaistai) who are fellow-soldiers and tent-mates with a gold crown. The feasting-mates (syssitoi), namely Dionysios son of Hierokles, Aristokrates son of Hagesandros, Dionysios son of Leon, Hagesandros son of Hagesandros and grandson of Athenodoros, Aristeidas son of Pythodoros and adopted son of Aristeidas, Aischinas son of Aischinas, Alexidamos son of Aristophilos, set this up on acccount of his goodwill towards them, dedicating the monument to the gods. Agathokles of Antioch made this.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: March 2, 2012
Item modified: February 23, 2021
ID number: 1719
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