Lindos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 125-100 BCE
AGRW 251 =
ILindos 264
= PHI 190982
= AGRW ID# 1715
Copenhagen Inventory info: 83
Block of white marble. This honorary inscription makes reference to previous honors by various associations, including two different groups of Dionysiac performers, a group devoted to the goddess Athena, immigrant groups, and the “Letodorian Pausistratian association,” most likely a group founded by men named Letodoros and Pausistratos.
. . . Name, who served as priest of Athena Lindia and Zeus Polieus, has been praised and crowned with a gold crown by the association (koinon) of sacrificial priests and head sacrificial priests; he has been praised and crowned with a gold crown by the civic leaders (archontes) and commanders (?) of the association of Athena-devotees (Athenaistai), by the performers gathered around Dionysos . . . and by the performers gathered around Dionysos Kathegemon (“Dionysos the Leader”) who meet in the temple of Dionysos; he has been praised and crowned by the Letodorian, Pausistratian (?) association with a gold crown and it will publicly proclaim the honor on account of his virtue, goodwill, and benefaction towards the Letodoreian, Pausistrateian association; and, he has been praised and crowned with a gold crown by the settlements of foreigners in the city of Lindos. He has also served as priest of Artemis in the village of Kekoia and of Pythian Apollo and . . . head sacrificial-priest. This took place on the occasion of his having presided over and led the chorus to a win (?).
Translation by: Harland
ἰερατεύσας Ἀθά[νας Λινδίας καὶ Διὸς Πολιέως] | καὶ ἐπαινεθεὶς καὶ [στεφανωθεὶς χρυσέωι στε]|φάνωι ὑπὸ τοῦ κοινοῦ τ[ῶν ἰεροθυτᾶν καὶ ἀρχιερο]|θύτα, καὶ ἐπαινεθεὶς [καὶ στεφανωθεὶς χρυσέωι στε]||φάνωι ὑπὸ τοῦ ἄρχοντο[σ τοῦ δεῖνος (?) καὶ ὑπὸ στρα]|τευομένων Ἀθαναιιστᾶν κ[οινοῦ καὶ ὑπὸ τῶν περὶ] | τὸν Διόνυσον τεχνιτᾶν Ι[ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ] | καὶ τῶν περὶ τὸν Καθηγεμ[όνα Διόνυσον τεχνιτᾶν τῶν ἐν] | τῶι ἰερῶι τοῦ Διονύσου, καὶ [ἐπαινεθεὶς καὶ στεφανω]||θεὶς ὑπὸ Λητοδωρείων Πα[υσιστρατείων (?) κοινοῦ] | χρυσέωι στεφάνωι <καὶ> ἀναγορ[εύσει τᾶνδε τᾶν τιμᾶν ἀρε]|τᾶς ἕνεκα καὶ εὐνοίας καὶ [εὐεργεσίας τᾶς ποτὶ] | τὸ κοινὸν τὸ Λητοδωρείων [Παυσιστρατείων (?), καὶ ἐπαινε]|θεὶς καὶ στεφανωθεὶς χρυσ[έωι στεφάνωι ὑπὸ τῶν κατοικεύν]||των ἐν Λινδίαι πόλει καὶ ἰε[ρατεύσας Ἀρτάμιτος Κεκοίας] | καὶ Ἀπόλλωνος Πυθίου καὶ [ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - καὶ] | ἀρχιεροθυτήσας vac. | [χο]ραγήσας καὶ νικάσας καὶ ἐπ[ιστάτας γενόμενος?]
Item added: March 2, 2012
Item modified: February 12, 2021
ID number: 1715
Short link address:
Category: Artemis,
b) Southeastern islands (off Caria and Cilicia),
c) 2nd century BCE,
c) Ethnic / immigrant association,
d) Group with a deity in its name (e.g. Demetriasts),
f) Occupational guild (excluding those below),
Honorary inscription,
Sacrifices / meals,