Kamiros on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), after 167 BCE
AGRW 247 =
IKamiros 84
= IRhodPC 3
= RICIS 204/0215 = SIRIS 195
= PHI 193388
= AGRW ID# 1687
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1613
Aristombrotidas son of Aristombrotidas. This statue was set up by Kritoboulos son of Aristombrotidas on behalf of his brother Aristombrotidas, Nausippos son of Kritoboulos on behalf of the deity, Damaineta daughter of Kritoboulos on behalf of her husband, who has served as priest of Athena Polis and Zeus Polieus and as director of public works. Aristombrotidas has been been honored and crowned with a gold crown by the Kamirians, crowned with gold crowns by the Asklepios-devotees (Asklepiastai) who are in Kamiros, crowned with a gold crown by the Hermes-devotees (Hermaistai) in Kamiros, crowned with gold crowns by the Sarapis-devotees (Sarapiastai) who are in Kamiros, crowned with a gold crown by the Kore-devotees (?; Kouraistai) who are in Kytelos; and, crowned with a gold crown by those of the third district who are in Lelos. This is dedicated to the gods. Pythokritos and Asklepiodoros son of Zenon, Rhodians, made this.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: February 4, 2012
Item modified: February 12, 2021
ID number: 1687
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