Kos (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), I BCE-II CE
AGRW 245c =
IKosPH 157
= SEG 55 (2005), no. 937bis
= PHI 186751
= AGRW ID# 4516
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1827
Boundary stone found in the outer wall of a house in the village of Kermeti, which is built on part of the site of the necropolis of the ancient city of Kos (27 x 40 cm).
Boundary of the burial area of the Athena-devotees (Athenaistai) associated with Drakon.
Translation by: Ascoughὅρος θηκαί|ων Ἀθανα|ϊστᾶν τῶν | σὺν Δ̣ρά̣κ̣ο[ντι].
Item added: October 23, 2012
Item modified: February 12, 2021
ID number: 4516
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