Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

[245a] Grave Boundary Marker of Aphrodisiasts with Eutychos (I BCE-II CE) Kos - Southeastern islands

Kos (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), I BCE-II CE
AGRW 245a = IKosPH 155 = PHI 186749 = AGRW ID# 1681
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1826


Found in the outer wall of a house in the village of Kermeti, which is built on part of the site of the necropolis of the ancient city of Kos.

Boundary marker of the cemetery of the society (thiasos) of the Aphrodite-devotees (Aphrodisiastai) associated with Eutychos.

Translation by: Ascough

[ὅ]ρος θηκαίων̣ | θιάσου Ἀφρο|δισιαστᾶν | τῶν σὺν Εὐ||τύχωι.

IKosPH 155: Facsimile.
Public domain.


Item added: February 4, 2012
Item modified: February 12, 2021
ID number: 1681
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