Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

[24] Monument for a Founder and Hero (imperial era) Argos - Peloponnesos

Argos (Peloponnesos, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), imperial era
AGRW 24 = IG IV 581 = CIG 1134 = PHI 28100 = AGRW ID# 2510
Copenhagen Inventory info: 519


The leather-dressers (spatolēastai) set this up for Marcus Antonius Aristokrates son of Anaxion, founder and hero.

Translation by: Ascough

οἱ σ<π>α̣τοληασταὶ Μάρκωι Ἀντωνίωι | Ἀναξίωνος υἱεῖ Ἀριστοκράτει κτίστᾳ, | ἥρωι.

Item added: August 12, 2012
Item modified: September 4, 2020
ID number: 2510
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