Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

[238] Honors by Athenians and Pompeiasts for Pompey (post-65 BCE) Delos - Southwestern islands

Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), post-65 BCE
AGRW 238 = IDelos 1641 = PHI 64080 = AGRW ID# 1648
Copenhagen Inventory info: 893


The Athenian People and the synod (synodos) of the Pompey-devotees (Pompeiastai) who are in Delos honored Gnaeus Pompeius son of Gnaeus, great absolute ruler, dedicating this to Apollo, Artemis, and Leto (?). This was done when Zenon son of Zenon was leader (archōn) of the synod and Aulus Calvius was leader of the gathering (synagōgeus) for life, and L. Dionysios son of Lenaeus, public servant (or: public official), was secretary of the synod for the third time.

Translation by: Harland

ὁ δῆμος ὁ Ἀθη[ναίων καὶ ἡ σύνοδος] | τῶν Πονπηϊασ[τῶν τῶν ἐν Δήλωι Γναῖον] | Πονπήϊον Γν[αίου υἱὸν μέγαν] | αὐτοκράτορ[α Ἀπόλλωνι, Ἀρτέμιδι, Λητοῖ?] || [ἄρ]χοντος δὲ τῆς συνόδου Ζήνωνος τοῦ Ζηνο | συναγωγέως δὲ διὰ βίου Αὔλου Καλο[υί]ου τοῦ | γραμματεύοντος τῆς συνόδου τὸ τρίτον Λ | Διονυσίου τοῦ Ληναίου δημοσίου̣ vac.

Item added: January 26, 2012
Item modified: December 18, 2020
ID number: 1648
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