Delos (Southwestern islands, Asia Minor), ca. 125 BCE
AGRW 233 =
IDelos 1751
= IDelosChoix 98
= PHI 64191
= AGRW ID# 1626
Copenhagen Inventory info: 891
(Greek) Maraius Gerillanus son of Statius, Gaius Laronius son of Gaius, Gaius Licinius freedman of Gaius, and Publius Tutorius Antiochos, the Poseidon-devotees (Poseidoniastai), dedicated this to Poseidon.
(Latin) Mar. Girillanus son of Statius, C. Laronius son of Gaius, C. Licinius freedman of Gaius, P. Tutorius Antiocus, magistrates (magistri = magistreis) of Neptune, (Neptunales) set this up for Neptune.
Translation by: Harland
Item added: January 23, 2012
Item modified: November 14, 2020
ID number: 1626
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