Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 125 BCE
AGRW 232 =
IDelos 1733
= IDelosChoix 96
= PHI 64173
= AGRW ID# 1624
Copenhagen Inventory info: 890
Marcus Pactomeius son of Marcus Pactomeius, Marcus Toscenius Nobilior son of Lucius, Decimus Fulvius son of Decimus, Decimus Gessius freedman of Decimus, Publius Granius freedman of Aulus Granius and Publius Granius, Lucius Arellius freedman of Lucius and Aulus. The Hermes-devotees (Hermaistai; magistrates [magistreis] in Latin) dedicated this to Hermes (Mercury in the Latin) and Maia.
Translation by: Harland and KloppenborgM. Pactumeius M. f., | M. Tuscenius L. f. Nobilior, | D. Foluius D. f., | D. Gessius D. l., || P. Granius A. P. l., | L. Arellius L. A. l., | magis|ṭreis Mirqurio et Maiae |
Μάαρκος Πακτομήιος Μαάρκου, | Μάαρκος Τοσκήνιος Λευκίου Νοβε(ιλίωρ), || Δέκμος Φόλουιος Δέκμου, | Δέκμος Γέσσιος Δέκμου, | Πόπλιος Γράνιος Αὔλου καὶ Ποπλίου, | Λεύκιος Ἀρέλλιος Λευκίου καὶ Αὔλο[υ], | οἱ Ἑρμαισταὶ Ἑρμεῖ καὶ Μαίαι || ἀνέθηκαν

IDelos 1733: Dedication to Hermes and Maia by the Italian Hermaists. Photo by Martina Kob copyright 2023.
Item added: January 23, 2012
Item modified: January 20, 2023
ID number: 1624
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