Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 153/152 BCE
AGRW 223 =
IDelos 1519
= IDelosChoix 85
= CIG 2217
= PHI 63955
= AGRW ID# 1572
Copenhagen Inventory info: 12
When Phaidrias was civic leader (archōn, in Athens) on the eighth of the month of Elaphebolion, during an assembly (ekklēsia) in the temple of Apollo:
Dionysios son of Dionysios the head of the society (archithiasitēs) said: Since Patron son of Dorotheos, who is a member of the synod (synodos), approached the assembly and reaffirmed his existing goodwill towards the synod, and because he has fulfilled numerous needs without hesitation and continues to speak and do what is advantageous both for the association (koinon) and for the synod all the time in accordance with his own existing goodwill toward everyone of the merchants and shippers who sail on the sea. Now adding even more goodwill with the goodwill of the gods, he invited the association to dispatch an embassy to the People of Athens in order that it might grant to them a place in which to build a sanctuary of Herakles, the cause of the greatest good things that happen to people and the founder of our original homeland. Being chosen ambassador to the Council and the People of Athens, he sailed, readily taking upon himself the expenses from his own resources and demonstrating the goodwill of the synod towards the People. In this way he accomplished the will of the society members (thiasitai) and increased honor for the gods, just as it suited him. He spoke often and in a manner demonstrating love of humanity at suitable times and he also spoke appropriate things on the synod’s behalf at the most pressing moment with every kindness and with love of honor, and he received the society (thiasos) for two days on behalf of his son.
Therefore, in order that he may provide in the future without being asked and the synod may display its consideration for people who show goodwill toward it by returning appropriate favours to benefactors, and in order that still other people may become zealous admirers of the synod because of the thanks shown towards that person and in order that those who show love of honor may compete for the favour of the synod: For good fortune! It was resolved by the association of the Tyrian Herakleists of merchants and shippers to praise Patron son of Dorotheos and to crown him with a gold crown each year during the performance of the sacrifices to Poseidon on account of the virtue and goodness which he continues to have towards the association of the Tyrian merchants and shippers. It was also resolved to set up a painted image of him in the sanctuary of Herakles and in another place where he decides. Let him be free of paying his share and free from service with regard to everything that happens in the synods. Let the appointed leaders of the society, the treasurers, and the secretary take care of proclaiming the following proclamation during the sacrifices as they are taking place and in the synods: “The synod of the Tyrian merchants and shippers crown Patron son of Dorotheos, the benefactor.” Let them write this decree on a stone plaque and let them set it up in the sanctuary of Herakles, and let the treasurer and the head of the society share the cost of this.
This was done when Dionysios son of Dionysios was leader of the society and Patron son of Dorotheos was priest.
The People of Athens. The synod of Tyrian merchants and shippers.
Translation by: Harland
Facsimile of IDelos 1519 from Clarac, Musée de sculpture antique et moderne (Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1841), vol. 2.2, plates 41-42.
Public domain.
Item added: January 22, 2012
Item modified: November 14, 2020
ID number: 1572
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