Aigiale on Amorgos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 153-54 CE
AGRW 220 =
IG XII,7 396
= SIG³ 866
= PHI 79047
= AGRW ID# 1562
The leaders (archontes), Council, and People of the Milesians who are settled (katoikountes) at Aegiale on Amorgos made a resolution on the proposal of the commanders and Board of Ten who have the presidential power. Serapion son of Serapion introduced the decree and Iason son of Straton put it to the vote. Aristeas son of Preimos has been a good man with respect to all the leadership positions and services which he accomplished alongside us in the homeland. He has lived a reverent and quiet life throughout his whole life, just as all the citizens have witnessed through his lovable character. Certainly that which is fixed by fate for all people has happened, as Aristeas has died while still in the prime of life, leaving behind orphaned children and grief for Aristeas’s son and another infant forever. Therefore, it was resolved through the decree to comfort his children, his female relatives, and his friends in proportion to their grief, knowing that the fate which is determined for all people is inevitable.
Two decrees were inscribed concerning this, one of which was stored in the archives. This happened at Aigiale on Amorgos on the twelfth day before the first day (kalends) of the month of Dekenbrion, when Bruttius Lateranus and Junius Rufinus were consuls. Serapion son of Serapion introduced it and Iason son of Straton put it to the vote. Epikrates son of Agatheinos, leader (archōn) for the second time, declared and approved it.
Translation by: Harland
Item added: January 19, 2012
Item modified: March 14, 2016
ID number: 1562
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