Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

[214] Grave of those with Mobrenis (before 69 CE) Lamos / Adanda - Cilicia

Lamos / Adanda (Cilicia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), before 69 CE
AGRW 214 = IKilikiaBM I 34 + IKilikiaBM II, p.172 note 38 for lines 1-6 + IKilikiaBM II, p.175 note 41 for line 17 = PHI 285154 = AGRW ID# 1532
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1786


Built tomb on the eastern hill of Adanda. This is not a common memorial (i.e. not for use by anyone outside of this group). This may or may not represent an ongoing association.

The artisan brothers made this, Attalos son of Attalos and Meneas son of Attalos, Selgians.

The ones who have joined together, Mobrenis son of Rhondos and those with him –namely Motas son of Oxalibes, Komdi son of Oxalibes, Rhondas son of Konnis Merdoutos, Mos son of Rhondos, Mos son of Eneknes, Rhondas son of Knes – made this in agreement. May it bring good health to us. Now if we should suffer anything which is in accordance with being human (i.e. death), only our children and our wives will be buried in the above memorial monument. Now if in the course of these things time should take our relatives, the male relatives among us should be placed in the above memorial monument, and the female relatives should be placed beneath. Now if any of our female relatives is given away in marriage, do not let her be placed in this memorial. Now if anyone should do any of these forbidden things, let that one pay to the People 1,000 drachmas, ten white and ten black bulls, ten rams, and ten goats. Let that one not (?) open the memorial. Let him not remove the conditions written above, nor remove the conditions by going to court, nor . . . Now if anyone should remove another person buried here, he should pay the above stated fines. This is not a common memorial. Now if anyone . . . (something to do with a daughter) . . . placed into this memorial. . . giving . . . Leonidon. . . this memorial . . . the part the ones who have joined together . . . into the base of the monument . . . our male relatives, elders, the things written above. If anyone reaches up by force . . . the things written above.

Translation by: Harland


οἱ ποι[ήσαντες τεχνεῖ]ται ἀδελποὶ (sic.) Ἄτ̣ταλος Ἀττάλου καὶ Μεν̣έ̣[ας(?) Ἀτ]|τάλου Σελ[γεῖς]. | οἱ συ<ν>ε<λ>θόντες Μωβρενις Ρονδου καὶ οἱ μετ αὐτο<ῦ>, | Μωτας Οξαλιβητος, Κομδι Οξ̣αλιβητος, Ρωνδας Κοννι̣τ̣ος || Μερδουτος, Μως Ρονδου, Μως Ενεκνητος, Ρωνδας Κνητος | ὁμόλογον ἐπόησα̣ν. εἴ<η> μὲν̣ ἡ̣μεῖν̣ ὑγιαίνειν· ἐὰν δέ τι πά|θω̣μεν τῶν κατ ἄνθρω<π>ον, τὰ ἡμέτερα τέκνα ὅπως ἡμᾶς μόν[ου]ς | καὶ τὰς γυναῖκας ἡμῶν κηδεύσωνται ἐν τῷ ἐπάνω μνημείῳ. | ἐὰν δὲ μετὰ ταῦτα καιρὸς̣ <ᾖ> τῶν ἐγγενημάτων ἡμῶν, ἵν οἱ ἄρσενες || ἡμῶν ἐν τῷ ἐπάνω μνημείῳ, αἱ δὲ θηλεῖαι ἐν τῷ ὑποκάτω κηδεύσον|ται· ἐὰν δέ τινες τῶν θη̣λειῶν ἐκδοθῇ πρὸς γάμον, μὴ | ἐξήτω ἐνθεῖ̣ναι εἰς τοῦτ̣ο τὸ μνῆμα. ἐὰν δέ τις πα̣ρὰ ταῦτ[α] | ποήσῃ, ἀποτεισάτω ἰ̣ς τὸν δῆμον δραχμὰς χειλί[ας] | καὶ βοῦς δέκα λευκοὺς καὶ μέλανες δέκα καὶ κρ<ει>οὺς δέκα || καὶ τράγους δέκα· <κ>αὶ οὕτως ἀνυξάτω τὸ μνῆμα. καὶ [μὴ ἀπο]|στήκομεν οἱ προγεγραμ[μένοι] μήτε ἐπὶ κριτήριον μήτε ἐπὶ ξομ[ενδυν] | ἐὰν δέ τις ἀποστή̣[κ]ῃ ἕτε[ρ]ος, καὶ αὐτὸς ἀποτείσει τὰ πρ̣ο̣[γε]|γραμμένα. οὐ κοινὸ̣[ν τ]ὸ̣ μνῆμα. ἐὰν δέ τις ΘΥΓΑΤΕ̣ΡΑ̣Ε̣ΤΑΙΜ - - |Ι̣ ΤΩ ἐνθεῖναι ε[ἰς] τοῦτο τὸ μνῆμα . . . . . . . . . διδόντος . . Ε . . . . . || [ . . . Λ]εωνιδῶν (?) . . . . . ΤΕΡΕΔΕΚΑΙΕΝ . . . . . . . . [τ]οῦτο τὸ [μνῆμα] | . . . Ο τὸ μέρος οἱ συνελθόντες - - - - - - - ΩΝΤΩ εἰς τὸ βάθ[ρον] | . . . . . ΟΣ τείνεται, οἱ ἄρσενοι ἡμῶν οἱ πρ<ε>σβύτεροι | [λ]αβανέτωσαν οἱ προγεγραμμένοι <ἐὰν> ἀνήξει τις βίᾳ Μ̣ - - | . . . . . ΤΟ προγεγραμμένα vac.


[ἐξουσία ἤτ]ω ἐν<θ>εῖναι εἰς τοῦτο τὸ μνῆμα Πραμωει Δμουτος | [καὶ τῷ δεῖνι - -]λου· μόνοι αὐτοί.

Item added: January 12, 2012
Item modified: November 13, 2020
ID number: 1532
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