Elaioussa Sebaste area (Cilicia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 27 BCE-14 CE
AGRW 213 =
GRA 152 =
OGIS 573
= LSAM 80
= PHI 285719
= AGRW ID# 1519
It was agreed by the companions (hetairoi) and the Sabbatists (Sabbatistai) who gather by the … providence (?) … of the god Sabbatistes. When they engrave the inscription (epigraphē), no one should nullify it. Let the one who does so be purified. If someone wants to set up a dedication, the one who wants to set it up is permitted to do so.
Protos put the motion: to crown (10) Aithibelios, the leader of the gathering (synagōgeus) (or: for the leader of the gathering to crown Aithibelios [the deity]). No one is permitted to erase, damage, or change the dedications which are in the temples or the things inscribed on the monuments (stelai) or on the dedications. Now if anyone does what is forbidden or sins against the god Sabbatistes, he will pay a fine of 100 drachmas to (20) the god Sabbatistes, 100 drachmas to the Sabbatists, 100 drachmas to the city (polis), and 100 drachmas to the ruler (dynastēs) of the district. Let this monument (stelē) be the record of oath of each member equally that no one will entertain guests on the day of the gathering. Furthermore, let the priest allocate contributions to the god for the construction (or: preparation) of the place.
Translation by: Harland
Item added: January 5, 2012
Item modified: September 11, 2018
ID number: 1519
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