Magnesia on the Maeander (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), II CE
AGRW 203 =
IMagnMai 117 = Friedrich Hiller von Gaertringen, "Une inscription des mystai de Magnésie du Méandre (en grec)." BCH (1893) 31–34
= Jaccottet 2003, vol. 2, no. 147
= SEG 17 (1960), no. 496
= PHI 260567
= AGRW ID# 1485
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1400
When Claudia Appia Tatiane was crown–bearer … Name son of Philetos, the head–initiate (archimystēs), along with Hermeros son of Euporos (?), arranged to record the following so as not to forget the initiates (mystai) who left behind funds for them as a remembrance, so that the customary offerings will be offered in the month of Leneon for them by the initiates of Klidon who meet in the sacred house (oikos). Here is an indication of how much each of them left behind: Philemon the “pappa” of Dionysos: 18 denarii; Posidonia the priestess and crown–bearer: 25 denarii; Antiochos (?) (10) the revealer of sacred objects (hierophantēs): 18 denarii; Elpis the “nurse”: 15 denarii; Agathia … : x denarii; … Anaxagoras (?) the “pappa”: 18 denarii. Whatever is lent out at interest by the initiates …
Translation by: Harland
Item added: January 2, 2012
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 1485
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