Smyrna (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 158 CE
AGRW 192 =
ISmyrna 600, lines 1-18 only
= Jaccottet 2003, vol. 2, no. 122
= SEG 34 (1984), no. 1191
= PHI 254910
= AGRW ID# 1433
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1325
Marcus Aurelius Caesar, son of emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrian Antoninus Augustus, father of the fatherland, with tribunician power, consul for the second time, to the synod (synodos) which is gathered around Breiseus Dionysos, greetings. Your goodwill which you displayed in sharing with me the birth of a son—even though (10) this turned out badly—became no less evident. Statilius Maximus, the greatest proconsul and our friend, sent the decree. I wish you good health. March 28th, from Lorium. M. Antonius Artemas had this inscription engraved as a gift when Sulpicius Rufinus was treasurer.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: December 28, 2011
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 1433
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