Smyrna (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), I CE-early II CE
AGRW 187 =
ISmyrna 331
= Pleket 1958, no. 5
= SEG 18 (1962), no. 518
= PHI 255489
= AGRW ID# 1397
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1178
Slab of blue marble (27 x 33 x 2 cm), now in the Rijksmuseum, Leiden (inv. I.1900/1.25). This association was evidently devoted to Marcus Agrippa, the son-in-law of Augustus. Adana was located in the province of Cilicia.
The companions who are friends of Agrippa (philagrippai symbiōtai) prepared the memorial for their own companion, Marion from Adana, who is also known as Mareis, for the sake of remembrance.
Translation by: Harlandοἱ φιλαγρίππαι ǀ συμβιωταὶ κατεǀσκεύασαν τὸ μνηǀμεῖον τῷ ἰδίῳ ǀǀ συμβιωτῇ Μαǀρίωνι τῷ καὶ Μαǀρει Ἀδανεῖ μνήǀμης χάριν.
Item added: December 17, 2011
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 1397
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