Nysa (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), ca. 142 CE
AGRW 184 =
GRA 144 =
IEph 22 (side A only)
= M. Clerc, “Inscription de Nysa,” BCH 9 (1885) 124-131
= PHI 261503
= AGRW ID# 1386
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1714
On the proposal of Publius Aelius Pompeianus Paion of Side, Tarsus and Rhodes, winner of many poetic contests, composer of songs and rhapsodist of god Hadrian, theologian of the temples which are in Pergamon, appointed director of contests of the Augustan Pythian games, and by the vote of P. Aelius … of Kyzikos, harpist, unexpected winner of the Capitolinian games and Olympian games: Since Aelius Alkibiades is an educated and generous man, (10) excelling in other virtues, providing for a long time continuously, even twelve years, doing good for the musicians, receiving honor and magnificence together with the synod (synodos), and displaying love of honor in many matters both for us and for the common good. Furthermore, since he honored the sacred sanctuary of the worldwide performers (technitai) at the temple of Rome by donating excellent books, and since he granted magnificent gifts of properties, including stabling facilities, (20) from which we reap the continuous, everlasting rent, distributing the rents among ourselves annually on the birthday of god Hadrian. In response, the performers at Rome reciprocated with favour, voted on other honors for him, appointed him high–priest through all eternity, and thought him worthy to be honored along with the company of the other high-priests by having his name inscribed first on the plaques. For, on the one hand, he adorned (30) the imperishable memory of Hadrian and, on the other, he has made known the highly regarded synod through his gifts. As a result, the synod participates in magnificent parades and carries out costly services during holidays.
Because of these things and for good fortune, the game–conquering and crown–winning worldwide performers associated with Dionysos and emperor Caesar T. Aelius Hadrian Antoninus Augustus Pius and the fellow–contestants (40) whom they met during the quinquennial contests of the great Ephesian games in the greatest and first metropolis of Asia—the city of the Ephesians, twice temple–warden of the Augusti (Sebastoi)—have passed a resolution that, in addition to the honors decreed to the man, they will vote for a well–balanced favour of exchange by doing the following: They will set up golden images and statues in the holy temples of the emperors in Asia and in Nysa, the emperor–loving homeland of Alkibiades. (50) They will inscribe the voted decrees on a monument (stele) in the temple of Apollo, as well as in the rest of his public works and throughout all the cities, in order that it may be a good memorial of both Alkibiades’ generosity and his well–received favours. They will publicly honor him with a gold crown in services and libations during the contest. And they will make a public announcement and honor him during each meeting (synlogos). A copy of the decrees will be sent out to his brilliant fatherland, (60) the city of Nysa—by way of the elders P. Aelius Pompenianus Paion of Side, Tarsus and Rhodes, winner of many poetic contests, composer of songs and rhapsodist of god Hadrian, theologian of the temples which are in Pergamon, appointed director of contests of the Pythian Augustan games, and Aristides son of Aristides of Perge and of Pergamon, distinguished poet.
Copies of the inscription will be sent by an embassy to the greatest emperors and to the synod in Rome for the sake of acknowledging what the benefactor (70) Alkibiades has done.
Translation by: Harland
Honors for Aelius Alcibiades by Nysa, now in the Izmir Museum.
AGRW 184 (= IEph 22) is on the other side of this monument.
© Philip A. Harland 2012.
Item added: December 15, 2011
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 1386
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