Miletos area [Didyma] (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 37-41 CE
AGRW 180 =
IDidyma 107
= OGIS 472
= PHI 247174
= AGRW ID# 1361
The performers (technitai) from Asia working at the temple in Didyma honored Meniskos, adopted son of Melas, natural son of Zopyros, sacred-victor, who was victor three times at the Didymeia games; he was their foremost head of the gymnasium who accomplished the remaining things with extreme love of glory; and, he was ambassador to Augustus with respect to the inviolability of Didymean Apollo and the privileges of the city. He has also been honored by Asia, by the People of the Milesians, and by the elders’ council (gerousia) with golden images and statues and with other great honors, being a descendant of king Lykomedes. They dedicated this to the Didymean god (i.e. Apollo) and to Pythian Artemis (i.e. sister of Apollo) on account of his virtuous behaviour and good-will towards them.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: December 14, 2011
Item modified: December 8, 2015
ID number: 1361
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