Miletos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 48 CE
AGRW 178 =
IMilet 156
= GCRE 29
= PHI 252173
= AGRW ID# 1346
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1048
Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, with tribunician power for the eighth time, consul for the fourth time, proclaimed emperor (imperator) for the fifteenth time, father of the fatherland, and censor, to the sacred–victors and performers gathered around Dionysos, greetings. I acknowledge that you remember what I did when I maintained the rights which were granted by the Augusti before me and by the Senate, and I will try to increase them in light of your pious disposition toward my household. (10) Marcus Valerius Junianus, who belongs to my household, drew my attention to this, and I also praised him for his positive disposition towards you… Farewell. (?)
Translation by: HarlandItem added: December 13, 2011
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 1346
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