Ephesos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 160-250 CE
AGRW 172 =
IEph 454a, b (+ addenda p. 12), c, d, e, f
= SEG 4 (1930), no. 541a-f.
= AGRW ID# 1317
(a) Of the bankers, three spaces.
(b) Of the hemp-workers from the Servilius stoa.
(c) Of the astiopolist (meaning unknown) wool-dealers.
(d) Of those from Branchiane street.
(e) Of the linen-weavers.
(f) Of the guild of basket-makers (?).
Translation by: Harlanda) τραπεζει|τῶν γ'.
b) κανναβα|ρίων Σερβει|λίου στο|ᾶς.
c) [[ [κ]αὶ λινοπλό]]|[[κων]] | ἐριοπωλῶν | ἀστιοπωλῶν.
d) πλατείας | Βρανχιανῆς.
e) λεντιϋφαντῶν.
f) συνεργασί|ας κανι[[ ]]|τῶν.
Item added: December 12, 2011
Item modified: December 7, 2015
ID number: 1317
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