Piraeus (Attica, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), 241/240 BCE
AGRW 17 =
GRA I 22 =
IG II² 1284
= PHI 3498
= AGRW ID# 3095
Copenhagen Inventory info: 232
. . . sacrificing associates (orgeōnes) . . . so that . . . and in other matters he proved to be of service and displayed the good will which he held toward all of the sacrificing associates. So that all who wish to be ambitious toward the sacrificing associates might know that they shall receive thanks worthy of whoever should act as a benefactor. To good fortune! The sacrificing associates resolved to commend Olympos son of Olympiodoros and to crown him with an oak wreath, on account of the ambition and good will that he continually exhibits toward both the temple and the sacrificing associates. The secretary shall inscribe this decree on a monument (stele) and set it up in the temple, and the treasurer shall pay . . . drachmas. . . .
In the year that Lykeas was civic leader (archōn), on the 8th day of the month of Skirophorion, in the regular assembly, Sosias son of Hippokrates made the following motion: Whereas Eukleides, who was chosen as secretary (grammateus) has for many years managed in a proper and upright manner those matters that were made his responsibility by the laws, showing himself to be blameless, and whereas he gave an accurate account in regard to the things he managed. For good fortune, it was resolved by the sacrificing associates to commend Eukleides son of Antimachos and to crown him with an oak wreath on account of the ambition and honesty that he has exhibited with respect to the sacrificing associates. The secretary shall inscribe the decree on a monument (stele) and set it up in the temple, and the treasurer shall pay . . . drachmas. . . .
Translation by: KloppenborgItem added: September 17, 2012
Item modified: April 29, 2020
ID number: 3095
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