Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

[153] Honors by the Sanhedrin of Romans and Other Groups for Apollonides (pre-212 CE) Hierapolis - Phrygia

Hierapolis (Phrygia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), pre-212 CE
AGRW 153 = IHierapJ 32 = IGRR IV 818 = PHI 271647 = AGRW ID# 1190


Column of white marble found near the halls in the vicinity of the theater (112 x 44 x 3 cm).

The most distinguished Council (?), the most distinguished People of Hierapolis, the elders’ council (gerousia), the sanhedrin (synedrion) of Romans, the young men (neoi), and many synods honored Gaius Ageleius Apollonides of the Aniensis tribe, member of the virtuous councillors, commander of the city, market-overseer, member of the Board of Ten, leader of the association (conventus) of the Romans, provider of the oil, auditor of public accounts, director of public works, and useful in meeting imperial needs.

Translation by: Harland

[ἡ λαμπροτάτη βουλὴ(?)] | [καὶ] ὁ λαμπ̣[ρ]ό[τατος] | [δῆ]μος Ἱεραπόλε[ως] | κ̣αὶ ἡ γερουσία || καὶ τὸ συνέδριον | τῶν Ῥωμαίων καὶ ο[ἱ ν]|έοι καὶ αἱ σύνοδο[ι] | πλεονάκις ἐτίμ[η]|σαν Γ(άιον) Ἀγελήιον [Ἀ]||πολλωνίδην Ἀν[ι(ῆνσις)] | ἄνδρα τῶν ἀρίστων βο|υλευτῶν, στρατη[γή]|σαντα τῆς πόλεω[ς] | καὶ ἀγορανομής[αν]||τα καὶ δ<ε>καπρωτε[ύ]|σαντα καὶ κονβεντα̣[ρ]|χήσαντα τῶν Ῥωμα̣[ί]|ων καὶ ἐλαιοθετή|σαντα καὶ ἐξεταστὴ̣[ν] || γενόμενον καὶ ἐρ̣[γε]|πιστατήσαντα | καὶ εἰς χρίας κυρ[ια]|κὰς εὔχρηστο[ν] | γ̣ενόμενον.

IHierapJ 32: Facsimile by Judeich.
Public domain.


Item added: December 4, 2011
Item modified: December 4, 2015
ID number: 1190
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