Piraeus (Attica, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), 329/328 BCE
AGRW 12 =
GRA I 5 =
IG II² 1256
= Cynthia J. Schwenk, Athens in the Age of Alexander: The Dated Laws and Decrees of “the Lykouran Era” 338–322 B.C. (Chicago: Ares, 1985), no. 52
= PHI 3471
= AGRW ID# 3055
Gods! Philokrates proposed the following motion: Whereas Euphyes and Dexios, who were supervisors (epimelētai) of the sanctuary during the year that Kephisophon was civic leader (archōn), performed their service honorably and with ambition and in a manner worthy of the goddess and of the sacrificing associates (orgeōnes), the sacrificing associates have resolved to crown Euphyes and Dexios on account of their honesty and care, each with a gold crown worth 100 drachmas, and to inscribe this decree on a monument (stele) and to set it up in the sanctuary of the goddess.
(two crowns)
Translation by: Kloppenborg
IG II² 1256 = AGRW 12: Relief with Bendis and Deloptes.
Two worshippers approach with members of the association depicted above.
© Philip A. Harland 2012
Item added: September 14, 2012
Item modified: December 5, 2018
ID number: 3055
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