Piraeus (Attica, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), 333/332 BCE
AGRW 10 =
GRA I 3 =
IG II² 337
= LSCG 34
= PHI 2554
= Greek Economic Inscriptions 015
= AGRW ID# 3045
Copenhagen Inventory info: 295
Gods! In the year that Nikokrates was civic leader (archōn), in the first presidency of the tribe of Aigeis, Theophilos of Phegaia, chair of the presiders, put the following to a vote and the Council made the resolution:
Antidotos son of Apollodoros of Sypalettos made the following motion: In regard to what the Kitians (i.e. immigrants from Kition on Cyprus) propose concerning the establishment of the temple to Aphrodite, it is resolved by the Council that the presiders, who are chosen by lot to preside in the first session (ekklēsia), shall bring them forward and deal with the business and put to the People the proposal of the Council: that it seems good to the Council that the People, having listened to the Kitians regarding the foundation of the temple and to any other Athenian who wishes to speak, should decide whatever seems best.
In the year that Nikokrates was civic leader (archōn), during the second presidency of the tribe of Pandionis, the question was put by Phanostratos of Philaidai, chair of the presiders. The Council made the resolution:
The motion of Lycourgos son of Lykophron of Butadai: Since the Kitian merchants are making a legitimate request in asking the People for the right to lease the land on which they propose to establish a temple of Aphrodite, let it be it resolved by the assembly to grant to the Kitian merchants the lease of the land to establish the temple of Aphrodite, in the same way that the Egyptians also established the temple of Isis.
Translation by: KloppenborgItem added: September 14, 2012
Item modified: May 2, 2020
ID number: 3045
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